3 Easy Swaps to Reduce Plastic Waste
If you’ve been following along on our blogging journey thus far, you’d probably know that a year or so ago we decided to make a switch over to more sustainable living. In honor of Earth Day this year we wanted to do a blog post on some super simple swaps everyone can make that will have a positive impact on the environment. Most of the swaps in this list are really aimed at one thing: reducing the amount of single use plastics.
What is a single use plastic? The meaning is basically in the name. These are products packaged in plastic that, once empty, are thrown away. Most of these items we use for a few minutes before throwing them away (candy wrappers, to-go food containers…) I’ll spare you my rant on how terrible single use plastic is for the environment. But if you want to know more, the Netflix Docuseries “Broken” has a great episode called “the Recycling Sham”.
Swap plastic bags for reusable bags
One of the first things we ditched even before starting our sustainable journey was the plastic bags they give you at the grocery store. Granted, this was mostly because the city of Seattle has basically banned plastic bags. But we are so happy they did. Keep a few reusable bags in your car and keep a compact one in your purse so that you’re never without one. If you’re in a pinch and completely forgot a bag, ask if they have paper bags instead of plastic.
We also took it one step further recently and swapped out the plastic produce bags that are supplied at the grocery store for mesh and linen bags. If I accidentally leave the reusable produce bags at home, I just won’t use the plastic ones at the store and instead ask them to bag all my produce in one bag.
And let’s not forget those plastic zip lock bags. Swap those out for glass jars, containers or reusable silicone zip lock bags.
2. Swap cleaning products for refillable multipurpose cleaners
Shower cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, tile mold and mildew remover, cook top cleaner and degreaser, Lysol wipes, Magic Erasers…these are all the products we would stuff under the sink for our cleaning needs. We’ve since streamlined our cleaning essentials to 3 or 4 products.
There are a handful of companies out there changing the cleaning game. They provide reusable and refillable cleaning products with non toxic formulas. Not only does this reduce the amount of single use plastics, but it also eliminates harsh, toxic chemicals from being washed down the drain and out of your body.
If you’re concerned about getting rid of bacteria, mold and mildew; essential oils are great for these. We like to add a few drops of Lemon Oil, Tea Tree Oil and/or Eucalyptus Oil in our cleaners. All of which are proven to help get rid of bacteria, viruses and mildew.
3. Swap your to-go coffee order for your own cup (and straw too)
Next time you head to your local coffee shop, bring your own cup. It could be an insulated coffee mug, a regular mug or whatever. If you’re going thru a drive thru, let them know when you order that you have your own cup. I’ve talked with a few baristas and they have all assured me they don’t mind. On the plus side, you’ll never get confused about which order is yours or if they have already called your order cause you’ll see your cup. If you’re using an insulated cup, another plus is that your coffee will stay hotter, or colder longer.
Which brings me to another swap: plastic straws for reusable ones. If you love drinking your iced beverage from a straw, bring your own. I also stash these in my car and have one in my purse as well.
Once you’ve finished your daily coffee (or beverage of choice) you can fill your cup with water. That way you have no reason to buy a plastic bottle of water…EVER.